Friday, December 21, 2012

Breaking the Silence

First Recording made with the IR/EMF detector. In this recording I used the EMF feature and recorded radiation as emitted from my computer monitor. Basically I just scanned the meter all around the monitor picking up various frequencies of electromagnetic radiation, cool!  Detection varies with distance so as I am scanning around I am moving the detector in various degrees of motion.

With the various components inside the monitor, a range of tones and signals can be heard, even to the input power the 60Hz signature is present. Output gain from the device is a bit low, so I will need to make further adjustments to raise the level of the recording. Never the less, this will make an excellent first start.

More to come, thought this would make an good day to start sharing :-)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Introduction to the TAD-7

The Transient Audio detector (TAD-7) is a device that is designed to pick up V/IR and EMF signals and then convert the signals to an audio signal.  There is a selector switch to determine the origin of the signal (EMF or V/IR). power switch, detector diode, and 1/8" mono audio output jack.  The unit runs of a single 9VDC battery.

The idea is to point the device, detector, to an area of interest. For example, if using the V/IR one can point the device at a pool of water or clouds and the detector picks up the signal then transmits an audio signal to the 1/8" output jack.  From the jack you can connect speakers or a recorder.  The output is the audio signal of the frequency or energy of the light wave received at the detector.

This is the device that I will use to collect audio samples, the basis for the tracks within song. 

Monday, July 9, 2012

This is the blog of the band gebrochene augen.  The intent is to share the journey of creating a new album from ideas and inspiration to programming and track layout.  The foundation for this work will be centered around an electrical device my late father developed and made; the Transient Audio Detector (TAD).  This device detects and transmit an audio signal from Inferred (IR) and Electromagnetic (EM) sources.

Stay tuned!! More information to be shared on the device and starting points.